The Front Range Ancient Philosophy (FRAP) Workshop is an annual gathering featuring research in progress from faculty and graduate students in the Front Range area who work on ancient Greek and Roman philosophy. It is open to all interested scholars. Scholars on the mailing list also share local talks and events relevant to ancient philosophy. Participating faculty and students come from a number of institutions in the area including the University of Colorado at Boulder, the University of Denver, Colorado State University, Colorado College, the University of Colorado at Colorado Springs, Community College of Denver, the University of Colorado at Denver, Arapahoe Community College, Metropolitan State University of Denver, and the University of Wyoming. Organizers include myself, Mitzi Lee, and Naomi Reshotko. Please contact me if you would like to be added to the group’s mailing list.
In 2020, we are meeting virtually, due to the Covid-19 pandemic on Wednesday, May 13. Our speakers are Jackson Colter (graduate student, Colorado State) on “Moral Evaluation in Stoic Cosmopolitanism,†10am-12pm and Christopher Moore (Penn State), “Sôphrosunê and agency in Plato’s Republic and Charmides,†2-4 pm. Please contact me if you would like to attend.
Past workshops:
7th FRAP Workshop, May 2018, MSU Denver:
Robert Metcalf (CU Denver), “Plato’s Thinking on ‘Life-Structuring Practices [epitÄ“deumata]”
Gagan Sapkota (CU Boulder, PhD student), “Plato’s Distinction between Voluntary and Premeditated Action in Laws IX”
Sonja Tanner (CU Colorado Springs), “The Comic Form of Plato’s Lachesâ€
6th FRAP Workshop, May 2017, MSU Denver:
Robert S. Colter (University of Wyoming), “Self and Nature in Stoicism”
Vijay Mascarenhas (MSU Denver), “A Limited Defense of Aristotle’s Nicomachean Ethics 1.2.1094a18-22″
David Ebrey (Institute for Research in the Humanities at University of Wisconsin Madison, Solmsen Fellow), “Plato’s Unfolding Account of Forms in the Phaedo“
5th FRAP Workshop, April 2016, University of Denver:
Sarah Pessin (DU), “Neoplatonism: Things to Knowâ€
Robert Pasnau (CU Boulder), “Aristotle’s Sometimes-Relational Theory of Perceptionâ€
4th FRAP Workshop, May 2015, University of Colorado at Boulder:
Tyler Huismann (CU Boulder, PhD student), “Aristotle on Accidental Causation”
Sergio Gallegos (MSU Denver), “Vulnerability, Misology and Virtue in Plato’s Phaedo”
Naomi Reshotko (DU), “Between Knowledge and Ignorance: Belief and True Belief in Symposium 202-212″
3rd FRAP Workshop, May 2014, University of Colorado at Boulder:
Robert Metcalf (CU Denver), “The Situation of Epistemology in Plato’s Theaetetus“
Dominic Bailey (CU Boulder), “Stoicism and the Continuumâ€
2nd FRAP Workshop, May 2013, University of Colorado at Denver:
Naomi Reshotko (DU), “Recollection and Reference in Plato’s Meno and Phaedo“
Sonja Tanner (CU Colorado Springs), “Tumbling Back Down to Earth: Laughter, Limitation, and Self-Knowledge in Plato’s Charmidesâ€
Shane Ewegen (Stonehill College, Massachusetts), “Cloaks in the Morning Light: Concealment and Virtue in Plato’s Protagoras“
1st FRAPÂ Workshop, March 2012, University of Denver:
Caleb Cohoe (MSU Denver), “Aristotle on the Truth of Perception and Understanding”Â
Mitzi Lee (CU Boulder), “Two Kinds of Justice: Aristotle’s Critique of Platoâ€